Be Aware Blount is a state funded prevention coalition serving Blount County, and the team is available to teach the facts and effects of the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs to any age group. Our team is ready to be in our school’s classrooms or to train in the boardrooms of the organizations in our community. Please reach out for information or training of any kind.
Substance misuse and overdose are broad and difficult discussions that best happen over a series of conversations or learning opportunities. On our website we are focusing on 6 different areas of discussion: Alcohol, Tobacco, Vaping, Stimulants, Opioids, and Marijuana/Cannabis. However, we recognize that there are a number of dangerous drugs that we are not taking time to talk about here, such as tranq drugs (tranquilizers like Xylazine), hallucinogenic/psychedelic drugs (such as LSD or PCP), and others. If you have questions about drugs that we aren’t spending time on here, we can get you more information about them. We have chosen to focus on the highest volume issues that are seen in our county. Click below to learn more about the specifics.
Hope for a Brighter Future
Be Aware Blount Prevention & Wellness Coalition’s work is to promote primary prevention measures in our community while partnering with other organizations around these substances: